Services Include:
- Background and Necessity of the Project
- Basic Policy of Project Scope
- Conceptual Design of Specifications of main equipment
- Overview of Project Plan
- Project Scope
- Project Cost Estimate
- Outline of Preliminary Financial and Economic Evaluation
- Evaluation of Environmental and Social Impacts
- Confirmation of the environmental and social status of the project site
- Natural environment
- Environmental status
- Social environment
- Comparison and examination of the environmental impact prediction and assessment and the alternatives
- Air quality
- Water quality (Thermal effluent)
- Noise Consideration of mitigation measures (including avoidance, minimization and substitute)
- Atmosphere
- Waste management
- Greenhouse gas (CO2)- facility operation (exhaust gas)
- Project Implementation Schedule
- Enhancement and rationalization of energy utilization
- Power Demand Outlook
- Analysis of the problems at examination and determination of the contents of the project
- Technical aspect
- Financial and Economic Evaluation
- Project Cost Estimation
- Construction Cost (Engineering, Procurement and Construction: EPC)
- Preliminary Financial and Economic Analysis
- Framework of the Analysis
- Power generation method selection
- Composition of the power plant and specifications
- Generated electricity delivery facilities
- Risk Assessment