System Optimization
- Validation of delivery volume requirements and voyage distance
- Ship cost modelling and validation
- Ship speed vs. power optimization
- Onshore/Offshore storage volumes required
Loading Facilities
- Location of Facilities
- Ship size validation for jetty
Design of Facility
- Preliminary Plot Plan
- Compression requirements
- Storage requirements
- Preliminary facility design
- Cost estimate
Design of gas transfer systems
- Sizing of loading arms
- Cost estimate
Gas Transfer Systems
Technology selection
- Ship to ship
- Ship to shore
- Weather and ocean conditions
LNG Carrier Ships
- Ship cost estimation
- Ship sizing optimization
- 3rd Party ship design for new vessels
- Ship charter rates and routing
Gas Transfer Systems at Offloading Facilities
- Location of Facilities
- Ship size validation for jetty
Design of Facility
- Preliminary plot plan
- Compression requirements
- Storage requirements
- Preliminary facility design
- Cost estimation
Design of gas transfer systems
- Sizing of unloading arms
- Cost estimation
Gas Storage – LNG & CNG
Design of gas storage systems
- Sizing of containment
- Cost estimation
- Sizing
- Cost estimation
Input for Marine EIA’s
- Scoping study input for first phase EIA input
- Technical assessments and data
Business & Financial Modelling
- Robust financial modeling for pre-feed assessments
- 3rd party audited financial model for Bankable Feasibility Study